- coarse texture
- грубая текстура
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
texture — [teks′chər] n. [ME < L textura < texere, to weave: see TECHNIC] 1. Archaic a woven fabric 2. the character of a woven fabric as determined by the arrangement, size, quality, etc. of the fabric s threads [coarse texture, twilled texture] 3.… … English World dictionary
coarse-grained — coarse grainedness, n. /kawrs graynd , kohrs /, adj. 1. having a coarse texture or grain. 2. indelicate; crude; vulgar; gross: a coarse grained person with vulgar manners. [1760 70] * * * … Universalium
coarse-grained — coarse′ grained′ adj. 1) of coarse texture or grain 2) crude; rough • Etymology: 1760–70 coarse′ grained′ness, n … From formal English to slang
coarse-grained — adjective 1. composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency granular sugar the photographs were grainy and indistinct it left a mealy residue • Syn: ↑farinaceous, ↑grainy, ↑granular, ↑granulose, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
texture — textural, adj. texturally, adv. textureless, adj. /teks cheuhr/, n., v., textured, texturing. n. 1. the visual and esp. tactile quality of a surface: rough texture. 2. the characteristic structure of the interwoven or intertwined threads, strands … Universalium
texture — tex•ture [[t]ˈtɛks tʃər[/t]] n. v. tured, tur•ing 1) the characteristic physical structure given to a material, an object, etc., by the size, shape, and arrangement of its parts: soil of a sandy texture[/ex] 2) tex the characteristic structure of … From formal English to slang
coarse´ness — coarse «krs, kohrs», adjective, coars|er, coars|est. 1. made up of fairly large parts; not fine: »coarse salt, coarse sand. 2. heavy or rough in looks or texture: »Burlap is a coarse cloth. The old fisherman had coarse, weathered features. 3.… … Useful english dictionary
coarse´ly — coarse «krs, kohrs», adjective, coars|er, coars|est. 1. made up of fairly large parts; not fine: »coarse salt, coarse sand. 2. heavy or rough in looks or texture: »Burlap is a coarse cloth. The old fisherman had coarse, weathered features. 3.… … Useful english dictionary
Coarse — (k[=o]rs), a. [Compar. {Coarser} (k[=o]rs [ e]r); superl. {Coarsest}.] [As this word was anciently written course, or cours, it may be an abbreviation of of course, in the common manner of proceeding, common, and hence, homely, made for common… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coarse — [kôrs] adj. coarser, coarsest [specialized var. of COURSE in sense of “ordinary or usual order” as in of course] 1. of inferior or poor quality; common [coarse fare] 2. consisting of rather large elements or particles [coarse sand] 3. not fine or … English World dictionary
coarse — coarse, vulgar, gross, obscene, ribald are comparable when applied to persons, their language, or behavior and mean offensive to a person of good taste or moral principles. Coarse is opposed to fine not only with reference to material things (as… … New Dictionary of Synonyms